Did you know that these colder months can bring about a threat to your lush, green lawn? Specifically, the dreaded brown patch fungus, a common problem East Coast Sprayers sees in Palm Beach County. In this blog post, we will explore the connection between cold weather, overwatering and the onset of this detrimental lawn disease.

Understanding Brown Patch Fungus

Welcome to the complex world of brown patch fungus, or as the scientists like to call it, Rhizoctonia. This pesky lawn disease has a nasty habit of quickly spreading across your turf, leaving large, eye-catching patches of faded and wilting grass in its wake. Quite the eyesore, wouldn’t you agree?

This tricky culprit doesn’t play by the rules, it thrives in a vast range of environments. However, just like we all have our favorite hangouts, this fungus loves nothing more than a nice cool and wet atmosphere. Now, it’s important to understand that this fungus doesn’t just wake up one day and decide to invade your lawn. It’s a gradual process, and identifying the signs early can make all the difference in protecting your lawn. But we’ll dive deeper into that in the next section.

For now, let’s just say that understanding your enemy is the first step towards victory. By knowing what brown patch fungus is and the conditions it loves, you’re already on your way to guarding your lawn against its invasion. Just remember – a well-cared-for lawn is your best defense against this unwelcome intruder.

Spotting the Symptoms of Brown Patch Fungus

Keep a vigilant eye on your lawn as early detection of brown patch fungus is crucial to nip this problem in the bud. This notorious fungus doesn’t hide in plain sight – it has its way of announcing its presence. To start with, it might seem like your lawn is just having a few bad hair days with small, circular areas of brown, wilted grass popping up here and there. However, if left unchecked, this sneaky intruder will swiftly expand its territory, causing a patchy, leopard-like pattern on your once vibrant lawn.

What sets this fungus apart is its distinctive ‘smoke ring’ – a tell-tale sign you should be on the lookout for. This is a dark, smoky ring that seems to outline the afflicted patches of grass.

Don’t ignore these signs, especially during the chilly, damp weather. That’s when this fungus tends to thrive the most. So, the moment you spot these symptoms on your lawn, it’s time to take action. Because in the game of lawn care, prevention is key, and the first step to prevention is knowing what to look for.

Overwatering: A Recipe for Disaster

Who doesn’t love a long, refreshing drink of water after a strenuous workout? Just like us, our lawns crave hydration. However, in the same way that chugging a gallon of water at once would be a bad idea for us, drenching our lawns can lead to a host of issues, not least of all the dreaded brown patch fungus.

Picture this: you’re generously watering your lawn in an effort to keep it lush and vibrant, but unbeknownst to you, you’re creating an ideal breeding ground for fungus. Overwatering tends to saturate the soil, denying it the much-needed aeration. As the soil gets waterlogged, the roots of your grass get deprived of oxygen, leaving your lawn gasping for breath.

But that’s not all. The constant dampness on your grass blades from overwatering serves as an open invitation to fungal spores, saying, “hey, come and grow on me!” This damp environment is an all-inclusive resort for the fungus, where it can flourish, multiply, and before you know it, dominate your lovely green turf.

So, while your intention might be to nourish your lawn with abundant water, it’s essential to remember that too much of anything can be harmful. Striking a balance is key. After all, the last thing you want is to be the unwitting accomplice in your lawn’s downfall. So next time you reach for that hose, remember, moderation is the key. As they say, “Water wisely, and your lawn will thank you for it.”

The Role of Cold Weather in Brown Patch Fungus

Picture this: the temperature dips, you pull out your winter wardrobe, and everything begins to slow down, including the metabolism of your lawn. As temperatures drop, the excess moisture in your lawn struggles to evaporate at the usual pace typical of a warm, sunny day in South Florida.

This increase in moisture isn’t just a chilly nuisance; it’s the perfect invitation for the brown patch fungus to set up camp. This moist environment is like a five-star hotel for the fungus, encouraging it to multiply, spread, and, before you know it, take over your beautiful green lawn.

In essence, the colder months equip this unwelcome guest with just the right tools to invade, thrive, and spread across your lawn. This is why it’s crucial to keep an eye on your turf and adjust your lawn care routine during these months. Remember, this sneaky fungus loves nothing more than a cold, wet home to grow in, and the winter weather often provides it with just that.

When in Doubt: Turn Off the Irrigation

Cold weather calls for a bit of a watering shake-up when it comes to your beloved lawn. If the weather’s chilly and there’s a decent amount of rainfall, don’t hesitate to pull back on the irrigation, or maybe even switch it off entirely. It might seem counterintuitive, but remember, grass can fare better with a little thirst than being completely drenched.

Irrigation is all about balance. You want to water your lawn, but you don’t want to create a water park for the brown patch fungus. What’s the solution? Deep, infrequent watering sessions. This allows the soil a breather, a chance to dry up before you water again. This simple shift can make all the difference in preventing the pesky fungus from making your lawn its home.

So, next time you’re unsure about whether or not to irrigate, remember this little piece of advice: less can often be more, especially when dealing with a damp-loving intruder like the brown patch fungus. It’s all about creating an environment that promotes the health of your lawn while denying the fungus the conditions it needs to thrive. Because let’s be honest, the only thing you want flourishing on your lawn is lush, green grass, right?

Seeking Professional Help for Brown Patch Fungus

Spotting brown patches on your lawn can certainly cause concern. But, no need to fret, East Coast Sprayers are here! Call upon the expertise of a seasoned lawn care provider. Our green-thumbed experts can accurately identify if you are dealing with the notorious brown patch fungus and craft a custom lawn fertilization treatment plan to return your lawn to its lush glory. Opting for professional intervention not only saves you the elbow grease, but it could also save your greens, both the grass and the cash! It’s a win-win situation. So, when in doubt, reach out to the pros. Because let’s face it, your lawn deserves the best defense against its fungal foes. Team up with the experts at East Coast Sprayers and keep your lawn lush, green, and fungus-free.

While our winters in South Florida lack snow, sleet and frostbitten landscapes, many homeowners in Palm Beach County may still be wondering how to maintain their lawns during the colder months. The answer lies in lawn fertilization, specifically grass fertilization. While it may seem counterintuitive to focus on fertilizing during the winter, it is actually a crucial step in achieving a lush green lawn. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of lawn fertilization and how it can help you maintain a healthy and beautiful lawn throughout the winter season in Palm Beach County.

The Challenges of Winter Lawn Care in South Florida

Maintaining a lush and green lawn in Palm Beach County during the winter months can be a challenge. The colder temperatures can wreak havoc on your lawn, leaving it looking brown and patchy. While it may be tempting to think that your lawn doesn’t require as much care during the winter, neglecting it can lead to long-term damage.

One of the main challenges of winter lawn care in Palm Beach County is the lack of sunlight. With shorter days and less sunlight, your grass may struggle to photosynthesize and generate the energy it needs to stay healthy. This can result in brown grass and a dull, lifeless lawn.

Another challenge is the cooler temperatures. When the temperature drops, the growth rate of your grass slows down significantly. This means that any damage or bare patches may take longer to recover, and your lawn may struggle to maintain its vibrant green color.

In addition to these challenges, winter lawn care in Palm Beach County also requires specific attention to soil conditions and moisture levels. Proper watering and drainage become even more crucial during this time to prevent lawn fungus and other issues that can damage your grass.

To overcome these challenges, it’s important to take a proactive approach to winter lawn care. This includes regular landscape fertilization to provide the necessary nutrients for your grass to thrive. Additionally, proper lawn maintenance practices, such as aerating and overseeding, can help promote healthy growth and prevent the spread of diseases.

Why Your Lawn Turns Brown and How Fertilization Can Help

During the winter months in Palm Beach County, it’s not uncommon to notice that your once lush green lawn has turned brown and patchy. But why does this happen? And how can fertilization help bring your lawn back to life?

One of the main reasons why your lawn turns brown during the winter is due to the cooler temperatures and reduced sunlight. Grass needs warmth and sunlight to thrive, and when the temperature drops, it goes into survival mode, focusing its energy on the roots instead of the blades of grass. This results in brown, dormant grass that can make your lawn look dull and lifeless.

Fertilization plays a crucial role in reviving your brown lawn. By applying the right nutrients, you can provide your grass with the essential elements it needs to bounce back and maintain its vibrancy even in the cooler months. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are three key nutrients that grass needs in order to grow and stay healthy.

Applying a winter lawn fertilizer in Palm Beach County, specifically formulated for the type of grass you have, can help replenish these nutrients and promote healthy growth. Slow-release fertilizers are especially effective, as they release nutrients gradually over time, providing a steady supply of nourishment to your grass without overwhelming it.

Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Lawn in Palm Beach County through Winter

Maintaining a beautiful lawn in Palm Beach County during the winter months may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tips and tricks, you can keep your lawn looking lush and vibrant. Here are some helpful tips to help you maintain a beautiful lawn this winter season:

1. Adjust your watering schedule: While it may be tempting to water your lawn less during the winter, it’s important to adjust your watering schedule to ensure your grass receives adequate moisture. Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to promote healthy root growth.

2. Clear away debris: Keep your lawn free from fallen leaves, branches, and other debris. This will not only keep your lawn looking tidy, but it will also prevent suffocation and disease.

3. Avoid heavy foot traffic: During the winter months, your grass is more susceptible to damage. Avoid walking or driving on your lawn as much as possible to prevent compaction and bald spots.

4. Aerate your lawn: Aerating your lawn helps to improve soil drainage and allows air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots. This promotes healthy grass growth and reduces the risk of disease.

5. Overseed if necessary: If your lawn has bare patches or thinning areas, consider overseeding. This process involves spreading new grass seed over existing grass to promote denser growth.

6. Monitor and control weeds: Weeds can still be a problem during the winter months. Keep an eye out for any weed growth and address it promptly to prevent them from taking over your lawn.

The Benefits of Professional Lawn Fertilization Services

Professional lawn fertilization services from East Coast Sprayers offer numerous benefits that can help homeowners in Palm Beach County achieve a lush, green lawn during the winter months. Here are some of the key benefits of hiring professionals for your lawn fertilization needs:

1. Expertise and Knowledge: Professional lawn care companies have the experience and expertise to assess the specific needs of your lawn and provide the right fertilization treatments. East Coast Sprayers understands the unique challenges of Palm Beach County’s winter conditions and can tailor their services to ensure optimal results.

2. High-Quality Products and Equipment: Professional lawn care companies have access to high-quality fertilizers and state-of-the-art equipment that may not be readily available to homeowners. These products and equipment are specially designed to deliver the right nutrients to your grass and promote healthy growth.

3. Time and Effort Savings: Lawn fertilization can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. By hiring professionals, you can save valuable time and energy that can be better spent on other activities. Letting experts at East Coast Sprayers handle your lawn fertilization allows you to sit back and enjoy a beautiful, green lawn without the hassle.

4. Customized Fertilization Plans: Professional lawn care companies will develop customized fertilization plans based on the specific needs of your lawn. We will take into account factors such as grass type, soil conditions, and climate to create a plan that maximizes the health and beauty of your lawn.

5. Consistent and Regular Maintenance: Regular lawn fertilization is essential for maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the winter. Professional lawn care companies can provide ongoing maintenance services, ensuring that your lawn receives the necessary nutrients at the right times. This consistency is crucial for achieving long-term success and preventing issues such as patchy grass or lawn fungus.

If you live in Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, or surrounding Palm Beach County areas, contact East Coast Sprayers today for your free lawn fertilization estimate. Our licensed team can evaluate your lawn to find the root cause – then come up with the perfect lawn fertilization plan to get it back into tip-top shape.

Keeping freshly cut, lush green grass is the hallmark of a beautiful lawn. This seemingly easy task is endlessly complicated by factors ranging from your soil, grass, weather, and proximity to the ocean. If you’re debating lawn fertilization services in Jupiter, FL, you aren’t alone. Many homeowners choose East Coast Sprayers for perfectly green lawns.  

Lawn Fertilization Service Jupiter FL

Things to Know Before Fertilizing  

Fertilizing is a practical step to take to ensure your grass has the nutrients it needs to grow. To fertilize correctly, it takes a planned approach rather than doing so when you have the time. Feeding your lawn with energy needs to be calculated and precise for superior results.  

Here are some things to keep in mind: 

  • The peak grow season for your grass 
  • The pH levels of your soil 
  • The type of grass you have 
  • How much fertilizer you’ll need 

Failing to account for one of those may result in harm to your lawn, opening up further problems for you. This is why many homeowners rely on our services as opposed to DIY solutions. While less expensive by default, choosing the right fertilizer got your unique needs will be endlessly difficult if not impossible. 

How Often Should You Fertilize  

While the bulk of the answer lies in the grass you have, it’s always a good idea to fertilize at least three times a year. However, those with turfgrass in Northern and Central Florida will see a shorter growing season than those in Delray. Therefore, the longer the growing season, the more you’ll need to fertilize.   

Fertilizing in the spring, fall, end of winter, and summer are the four best times to fertilize. Partner with east coast sprayers today to never forget these highly important months. 

Why Choose Professional Fertilization Services? 

If you’re interested in having a lawn that the neighborhood is envious of, you’ll need professional care. Our skilled and experienced lawn fertilization team can service both residential and commercial clients, delivering superb results for both.  

We take a very personalized approach to greening your yard. Why? No two plots of land are the same. Our team will:  

  • Identify your grass type  
  • Assess your soil thoroughly 
  • Consider your location and its impact on your turf 
  • Analyze your weather patterns 

After pouring over any factor contributing to poor growth, we can formulate a tailored plan for your unique circumstances.   

You may still be wondering why you need professional services. If you’re like the rest of us, you’re likely to have a hectic schedule with free time at a premium. In these cases, we encourage you to sit back, relax, and let our trained professionals handle the problem for you. 

Other Services We Offer 

While treating your soil and grass is one thing, perhaps the issues you’re having are caused by pests. If so, our multifaceted team can help with these concerns as well. No matter the cause of your less than green lawn, East Coast Sprayers has the knowledge, experience, and tools to resolve any problems you may have.  

Lawn Fertilization Service Jupiter FL

It’s Time to Receive Lawn Fertilization Services in Jupiter, FL 

You see your lawn daily, so don’t settle for less than lush green. At East Coast Sprayers, we understand that brown, dead grass is an eyesore, so we’ve made it our mission to correct the problem one lawn at a time. Call us today! 

Did you wake up and find areas of your grass seemed to have yellowed overnight? Do you notice these yellow and brown patches of grass are forming in an irregular, donut-like shape? If you answered yes to these questions, you may have a lawn fungus called brown patch.


Causes of Brown Patch Fungus


Summer in Palm Beach County is hot, humid and sunny; what we at East Coast Sprayers like to call the brown patch trifecta. Brown patch fungus typically develops (but remains dormant) during the cooler months when the temperature is below 80 degrees, but flourishes in the summer when the heat and humidity conditions are just right. Over watering your lawn during the summer months can increase your chances of a fungus outbreak.


Brown Patch Fungus Preventative Tips


  • Water in the morning, giving your lawn time to dry out before nightfall
  • Mow your lawn frequently to help dry out leaf blades
  • Shut off your sprinkler system during periods of heavy summer rain
  • Avoid high levels of nitrogen – fast release form especially! 
  • Continue pre and post-emergent weed control to avoid sprouting weeds in those thinning areas
  • Fertilize your lawn to replenish vital nutrients necessary to fight off fungus and disease
  • Use preventative fungicides from May to September 

If you have already noticed signs of brown patch fungus, it’s too late for preventative treatments. Not to worry! Brown patch doesn’t typically kill a lawn. Your grass can grow new blades come spring with proper care and spring-time lawn fertilization


Brown Patch Fungus Treatment and Help


When it comes to brown patch fungus, prevention is always the key. East Coast Sprayers can develop a preventative treatment plan specifically designed for your Palm Beach County lawn. We carefully consider our South Florida weather conditions and apply weed control or lawn fertilization treatments during the most optimal time. Contact us today to see how we can help keep your lawn pristine year round!

Look around – your neighbors and friends are enjoying summer family gatherings on their green, well-manicured lawns. Don’t be envious; you too can have a beautiful lawn at your own Palm Beach County home! All it takes is regular lawn fertilization and feeding to keep your grass green year round. East Coast Sprayers is here to help explain the benefits of feeding and fertilizing your lawn. 

Weed Reduction

Grass with deep, healthy roots are less susceptible to weeds. Regular feeding and fertilization gives your lawn the vital nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy – leaving no room for menacing weeds to invade. Weed control is hard to overcome, so it’s best to prevent weeds before they even have the chance. 

Resistance to Pests

Whether or not your fertilizer contains pesticides to protect against bugs, a strong lawn has better defenses to stand up against pest damage and healthy roots leave them with little room to dig or burrow into the soil. Proper fertilization can provide insect control simply by strengthening the root system and overall health of your grass.

Disease Defense

Think of fertilization as a regular supplement to support the immune system and fight off illness. Feeding and fertilizing your lawn gives your it the health-boost to protect against ruthless disease that can wreak havoc on your landscape.

Overall Lawn Health

Feeding and fertilizing your lawn gives it the essential nutrients it needs to flourish. Just like we need food and water, your grass needs the perfect blend of nitrogen, potassium and phosphate to maintain it’s dense, green appearance. The overall health of your grass can be easily improved with proper fertilization on a regular basis.

Lawn Fertilization and Feeding Help

While there are many do-it-yourself techniques, it’s always best to leave the health of your lawn up to the professionals. East Coast Sprayers can quickly establish which nutrients your lawn is lacking and customize a fertilization plan specifically for you. Our team of lawn “doctors” will evaluate, diagnose and prescribe a regular treatment program to keep your Palm Beach County lawn healthy. Contact us today at (561) 203-5555 for a free evaluation!

Summer is here in Palm Beach County! It’s time to start spending more time outdoors, having barbeques and enjoying our backyards with friends and family. However, there is a fungus lurking in your yard that can bring those backyard plans to squealing halt. Take-all root rot is an extremely destructive root fungus disease that can be found invading St. Augustine, Bermuda, zoysia, and centipede grasses across South Florida. With proper lawn fertilization and care, you can have your grass looking pristine all summer long.


Signs and Causes of Take-All Root Rot


First, the signs of take-all root rot will come in the spring and summer. Your lawn will start to yellow in patches in areas with high sunlight. As the disease progresses, the patches will continue to grow irregularly and the grass will thin out until it dies. You may see weeds growing in the dead areas as an indication that the root rot has severely weakened the root system allowing weeds to take their place. The leaves of your grass typically will not have damage, but the roots will be rotten in a black or dark brown color.


The causes of take-all root rot can vary. The pros at East Coast Spayers can pinpoint it back to a few common mistakes:


  • Heavy rains in the spring and summer
  • Nutrient deficiencies in your soil
  • Heavy lime application
  • Fertilizing with too much nitrate

Professional Take-All Root Rot Treatment


Any lawn disease or fungus can be difficult to eradicate on your own. The experts at East Coast Sprayers can quickly diagnose your lawn and form a treatment plan to prevent and alleviate the lawn disease at your Palm Beach County residence. Providing your turf with custom lawn fertilization will give it the nutrients, nitrates, and care it needs to thrive. Contact us today for a free evaluation and get your property looking beautiful for summer.

Spring in Palm Beach County is a beautiful time of year, and the ideal time to consider lawn fertilization. Caring for your lawn and keeping it looking its best year round can be a challenge. South Florida weather can bring drought conditions and heavy rains, so knowing the right time to fertilize is vital to keeping your grass healthy and growing. That’s where East Coast Sprayers can help!


Why Fertilize My Lawn?


Every living thing needs essentials to survive, and your lawn is no different. You’re supplying it with water and the South Florida sun gives it plenty of light, but your grass needs food! Think of fertilizer as the best plant food for your lawn. Proper fertilization of your turf can provide deeper root growth, reduce weeds, and can protect your lawn from pests and environmental stress.


When is the Best Time to Fertilize in Palm Beach County?


Spring is when everything is blooming and plant life is most active. This is when your grass is actively growing and the optimal time to apply fertilizer. Fertilizing too early may not benefit your grass, as it isn’t able to absorb all the nutrients when it is dormant. Some areas of Palm Beach County have restrictions on fertilizing in the summer which means spring is your best chance at a healthy lawn. Don’t get caught with dead turf for those summer BBQ’s!


What Kind of Fertilizer Should I Use?


Using the right type (granular or liquid), mix and quantity of fertilizer (in additional to when you apply it) is extremely important to sustaining a beautiful lawn. Palm Beach County soil is typically high in phosphorus (one of the key ingredients in fertilizers); applying a fertilizer with too much or too little can cause damage to your lawn. The professionals at East Coast Sprayers will create a fertilizer program to keep your landscape green and healthy all year long, beyond the spring!


Trust the Pros to Fertilize Your Lawn


At the end of the day, it is always best to entrust a professional when it comes to your lawn and landscape. We are trained to know what your grass needs and when it needs it most. Contact East Coast Sprayers today to discuss your springtime lawn fertilization options and let us build a plan to suit your needs!

Your lawn is a crucial part to your home’s landscape. Beautiful ornamentals, trees and flowers can be ruined if your grass is in poor condition.  A lawn with lush, green St. Augustine grass will enhance any landscape, improve curb appeal and ultimately increase your property value in Palm Beach County.  


How Do You Choose the Right Grass?


In Palm Beach County, there are multiple grass options to choose from that thrive in South Florida conditions. Whether it’s St. Augustine grass or not, there are a number of things to take into consideration when making your grass decision:


  1. Maintenance – Do you want a lawn that is meticulously manicured but requires a high level of lawn fertilization and care or are you looking for a low maintenance option that only need to be watered three times per week and mowed once a week? Your preference of maintenance level should be a huge contributing factor to your decision.
  2. Environmental Factors– You need to consider how the environment comes into play when it comes to your grass. How much sun does your yard receive? What is your level of foot traffic on the lawn? Different types of grass have different limitations.
  3. Budget – The price of the grass itself varies across the different types, costing on average anywhere from $3000-$8000 for a ¼ acre. Not only are the higher maintenance turfs more expensive to install, they are also more expensive to maintain and should be a consideration when you are selecting the right grass for your yard.

Pros and Cons of St. Augustine Grass


St. Augustine Grass is one of the most commonly used grasses in Palm Beach County. It thrives best in fertile, well drained soils but can also perform well in a multitude to soil profiles. Proper irrigation, insect control and lawn fertilization are imperative to St. Augustine Grass growth.


  • Pros
    • Well adapted to most soil profiles
    • Dark green/blue color when properly watered and fertilized
    • Establishes quickly
    • Moderately salt tolerant
    • Moderate maintenance
    • Shade tolerant (some species)
  • Cons
    • Low drought tolerance
    • Susceptive to insects and fungus
    • Poor traffic tolerance
    • Coarse leaf structure (can be painful to walk on barefoot)

St. Augustine Grass Maintenance


All grass requires care; insect control, fertilization, weed control, and seasonal requirements can all be managed easily and affordably by a professional. East Coast Sprayers can help to maintain your St. Augustine grass with lawn fertilization and pest control services in the Palm Beach County area. Contact us today to receive your free quote!

Yellow grass becomes common during the fall months. But, common doesn’t mean healthy.


If your yard could double as a miniature cornfield, then you may want to address it. (And if it’s happening in the spring and summer, you’ll definitely want to address it.)


In the following article, we’ll be discussing ways you can do so. But first, let’s get an endgame in mind. What should grass look like?


The short answer: not yellow. The long answer: green and lush, like a thick carpet.


Grass blades that don’t fit the bill could be unhealthy for a number of reasons. Thankfully, much of it’s within your control.


Top Causes of Grass Turning Yellow


Grass making that dreaded turn is dying. There are many causes as to why. Here are the most common:


Not Enough Sunlight


There may be large trees blocking most of the rays, resulting in yellow patches throughout your yard.


Not Enough Water


Drought seasons can make it difficult for grass to grow, and if you’re not making up for it artificially, then a change is going to come (and not for the better).


Weed Influx


Weeds are not just problematic for gardens. They also can be a sign you’re not mowing enough or you didn’t do anything about the heavy leaf fall during the fall and winter. You can make up for it by more mowing and raking.


Animal Contamination


Fertilizer usually is a good thing, so why do people get so irate when a dog urinates on their yard? It probably has something to do with the fact urine isn’t a fertilizer. Urine can cause “lawn burn,” or discoloration in patches that are hard to get out.


Bonus tip! If you do need help with finding the right fertilizers to resurrect dead grass, make sure you bookmark this page.


How to Make Grass Green


We briefly touched on it some above, but let’s take a closer look at how we can improve the health of our grass. These tips are good no matter what the season.


First, consider removing trees that are problematic and replanting elsewhere. If you can’t bring yourself to cut down a tree, trim back the branches so more sunlight gets through.


Then, post signs asking dog owners to keep their pets from using your yard as a toilet. If the signs don’t work, consider installing fencing or going to the person (if you know them) and asking directly.


You can also install a sprinkler system or set up sprinklers in an area where they can easily water the yellow portions of your yard. Conserve water in other portions of your home or property so your bills don’t skyrocket.


Or, you could use a weed killer. Buy a rake. Incorporate both to ensure the healthy grass isn’t getting choked out like a hapless MMA fighter caught in a rear-naked choke.


And finally, don’t let it get away from you. Changes to your yard can happen quickly as you get caught up in day-to-day responsibilities. Stay vigilant!


Yellow Grass Is the Neighborhood Eyesore


You don’t want to be the neighbor responsible for yellow grass. Make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid it. And, remember to take quick action when you notice the first signs, especially during the winter.


Need to get your grass back in top shape? Contact us today to learn how we can help.

Do you dream of a picturesque yard with an abundant amount of plants and lush green grass, but are stumped when it comes to picking out a lawn fertilizer?


You’re not alone.


Keeping your yard looking picture-perfect can feel like a burden sometimes, but not when you properly fertilize.


Now, not all fertilizers are the same, and there is no one-size-fits-all in terms of lawn fertilizer. In fact, the selection of lawn fertilizers can be quite intimidating when you go to make your purchase.


Luckily, we are here to make purchasing lawn fertilizer as easy as possible.


What is Lawn Fertilizer?


Yes, fertilizer makes your grass grow, but what exactly is it? Fertilizer is made up of three nutrient components, which can be found on the front packaging of any fertilizer product in the following order.


1. Nitrogen promotes the lush green color of grass and rapid growth.


2. Phosphorous promotes floral growth and a strong root system.


3. Potassium promotes drought resistant and prevents any plant diseases.


To learn more about what fertilizer is and how it benefits your grass, click here.


Choosing a Lawn Fertilizer


Now you know what fertilizer is made of, but you may be wondering where to go from here. There are many ways to determine what kind of fertilizer you want to use.


Based on pH Levels


To start off, take a sample of your soil to determine the ph level. This is important because if your pH level is off, it will affect the ability of the grass to absorb the nutrients.


Any soil below the pH level of 5.5 needs a lime fertilizer, and any soil below 7.0 needs gardener’s sulfur fertilizer.


Based on Location


The state that you live in determines the type of climate that is affecting your lawn. If you live in a cooler, northeastern state, you want to purchase a slow-release, organic fertilizer, and you want to fertilize your lawn around St. Patrick’s Day.


If you live in a warmer southern, central or western state, your grass is going to need a little more attention due to the harsher climate. Look for a high-nitrogen, slow-release fertilizers, and you want to fertilize your lawn around Easter.


Types of Lawn Fertilizer


There are three types of fertilizer you can find at the store. The question is, which one should you buy for your lawn?


Organic Fertilizers


These can be purchased at the store or even made at home with compost. This makes them all-natural, and they slowly release into the soil as it breaks down over time.


Granular Fertilizers


These allow you to control exactly when your lawn is fed with their wide selection of time-release formulas. This fertilizer can come in handy when you are looking to fine-tune your lawn fertility. Plus, it is cheaper when it is bought in bulk.


Water Soluble Fertilizers


These are ammonium-based, which means it is quickly absorbed into the grass. Water soluble fertilizers yield fast results in both growth and color. This is where your backpack and push sprayers will come into play.


What Lawn Fertilizer Will You Choose?


Now that you know a little more about what fertilizer you are looking for, you can get started on that lush lawn you have been longing for. Contact us today so we can help you make that first step.